Wellness & Co. Blog

on the

Metaphorical pen in hand with endless ideas flowing... our blog is where we bring our expertise right to your blue-light protected eyes. 



Hi, I'm Dr. K!

With nine providers our blog offers countless resources covering a ton of topics. We use blogging as an avenue to share our professional expertise and personal experiences. 

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July 18, 2018

Did You Know? Feeling Confused in Therapy is Normal

Sometimes therapy produces feelings of confusion. Sometimes we come to therapy already feeling confused. All of this is OK!

July 11, 2018

Don’t Do THIS in Couples Therapy

Some couples come to therapy very heated. This level of conflict can be incredibly hard to resolve without some individual therapy or accountability.

July 4, 2018

THIS Caused my Most Stressful Day as a Therapist Ever

Interested in knowing what the most stressful day I’ve ever had as a therapist looks like? Keep reading!

June 27, 2018

What Feelings Are Most Common in Therapy?

We all experience a variety of emotions and feelings. Which of these are most common in therapy? Learn through the eyes of a therapist…

June 20, 2018

The Lasting Impact of Our Spouses Words

Therapists have a unique perspective. As a client, you don’t always get to know and see what they are thinking. Learn more about this unique perspective!

June 13, 2018

Did You Know THIS is Actually Common in Therapy?

Therapists have a unique perspective. As a client, you don’t always get to know and see what they are thinking. Learn more about this unique perspective!

June 6, 2018

What Does Your Therapist Actually Think?

What if you had an inside look at what happens inside a therapy office, or better yet, inside the head of a therapist? Read on for an intimate story leading to my favorite writing project yet, In That Chair