Wellness & Co. Blog

on the

Metaphorical pen in hand with endless ideas flowing... our blog is where we bring our expertise right to your blue-light protected eyes. 



Hi, I'm Dr. K!

With nine providers our blog offers countless resources covering a ton of topics. We use blogging as an avenue to share our professional expertise and personal experiences. 

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January 11, 2019

Did You Know? Therapists Look Forward to Weekends Too!

Therapists can get burnt out, too. That’s why it’s so important to make space for self-care and recognize when we are wishing for the weekend.

January 10, 2019

Does Anyone Want to Stay Married?

Couples therapists see the worst of the worst. Infidelity, betrayal, trauma, withdraw, distance, lifelessness, marriages who are barely surviving. Sometimes we have to pause and wonder whether nowadays people want to be married.

January 9, 2019

Eight Common Emotions in Therapy

In that chair,

December 13, 2018

Did You Know? Therapists Often Forget to Do This!

Therapists have to rearrange physical needs based on when it’s convenient in our schedule with clients. Hunger is not always an easy one to set aside when you have a string of clients in a row. Learn more…

December 11, 2018

What Happens When our Children Experience Our Worst Nightmare?

Sometimes what clients go through is an exact replication of their own trauma. This is so painful to watch, it’s called retraumatization.

September 11, 2018

Conquering Your Own Internal Battle for Mental Peace

How to understand your own internal battle through processing a relevant cultural battle!

August 16, 2018

Can You Say No?

How successful are you at saying No? Read on for three tips to maximize your confidence with this simple two-letter word!

August 15, 2018

Did You Know? In Therapy A lot of Clients Talk About Similar Experiences

So many women have a story of #metoo – sometimes it can be hard to feel like you have a story but you can’t tell it. Or, you have a story but you don’t want to tell it.

July 25, 2018

Did You Know? Sometimes Clients Do THIS in Therapy and it Really Means A lot

I’ve had the joy of receiving positive feedback from several clients and today I share how those words swirl around in my head.

July 18, 2018

Did You Know? Feeling Confused in Therapy is Normal

Sometimes therapy produces feelings of confusion. Sometimes we come to therapy already feeling confused. All of this is OK!