Wellness & Co. Blog

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Metaphorical pen in hand with endless ideas flowing... our blog is where we bring our expertise right to your blue-light protected eyes. 



Hi, I'm Dr. K!

With nine providers our blog offers countless resources covering a ton of topics. We use blogging as an avenue to share our professional expertise and personal experiences. 

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July 16, 2024

Mid-Summer Check-In

As the summer comes to an end, don’t let yourself give up on the projects and goals you started. Our Intuitive Needs Assistant, Kaileen Arsenault, is here to help you conquer your summer.

February 5, 2021

How to Get Motivated One Month Into 2021

by Jess Smith, LCPC It’s February 2021. The holiday dust has settled, and we’ve reached those long winter months. Now is the time to get focused and start working toward those goals you’ve set for yourself. With that being said, it’s one thing to set a goal, but how do we get motivated to start […]

January 8, 2021

Moving Into the New Year: Common New Years Goals

by Jess Smith, LCPC Moving Into the New Year: Common New Year Goals Well, we made it. 2021 is finally here. Goodbye and good riddance to 2020. So, now what? New Year, New Me Now that 2021 is here, let’s talk about some new goal/resolution ideas! You may have listened to our IG Live about […]

December 31, 2020

2020: The Year of Grief, Loss, and Disappointment

by Jess Smith, LCPC 2020. Yuck. I think it’s safe to say we’re all ready for 2020 to be over, and it can be incredibly helpful to create some new goals for the new year as they can provide hope and excitement for things to come. Over the next few weeks, we’ll aim to wrap […]

June 26, 2020

Acceptance or Attunement: What’s the REAL Goal in Your Wellness Journey?

by Dr. Kendra A. O’Hora, LCMFT I’m Done With Acceptance Have you ever heard someone say “you just need to accept it.”  Oof. I think acceptance is a hair-standing-straight-up word for me. I do not like to hear it. You’ll learn more about why next week on the blog (I’ve got a personal story to […]

September 12, 2018

Have You Ever Wondered What Happens When You Finish Therapy?

Some clients just have what it takes to be goal-minded, hard-working, and ready to heal from alllll their pain.