Wellness & Co. Blog

on the

Metaphorical pen in hand with endless ideas flowing... our blog is where we bring our expertise right to your blue-light protected eyes. 



Hi, I'm Dr. K!

With nine providers our blog offers countless resources covering a ton of topics. We use blogging as an avenue to share our professional expertise and personal experiences. 

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December 11, 2018

What Happens When our Children Experience Our Worst Nightmare?

Sometimes what clients go through is an exact replication of their own trauma. This is so painful to watch, it’s called retraumatization.

September 21, 2018

Have You Ever Explored Relational Healing in Therapy?

What does a healthy couple healing together in therapy look like? Here’s a sneak peak!

September 11, 2018

Conquering Your Own Internal Battle for Mental Peace

How to understand your own internal battle through processing a relevant cultural battle!

September 11, 2018

Did You Know? Women Have Affairs and Come to Therapy, Too!

by Dr. Kendra A. O’Hora, LCMFT Another poem from the In That Chair poem series. Thank you for following along and taking an inside look at therapy through the eyes of me! In that chair, you justify your affair, a truth of passion ignited because your husband doesn’t get you. Your lover lays beneath you, […]

August 15, 2018

Did You Know? In Therapy A lot of Clients Talk About Similar Experiences

So many women have a story of #metoo – sometimes it can be hard to feel like you have a story but you can’t tell it. Or, you have a story but you don’t want to tell it.

June 6, 2018

What Does Your Therapist Actually Think?

What if you had an inside look at what happens inside a therapy office, or better yet, inside the head of a therapist? Read on for an intimate story leading to my favorite writing project yet, In That Chair