Wellness & Co. Blog

on the

Metaphorical pen in hand with endless ideas flowing... our blog is where we bring our expertise right to your blue-light protected eyes. 



Hi, I'm Dr. K!

With nine providers our blog offers countless resources covering a ton of topics. We use blogging as an avenue to share our professional expertise and personal experiences. 

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August 30, 2022

Four Toxic Communication Styles in Relationships & Their Antidotes

Part I: CRITICISM I’m ALWAYS on the lookout for antidotes when it comes to healing. I’m a solutions kinda gal, what can I say. That’s part of why I love the Enneagram so much, it provides us all with clarity on what’s happening and what to do about it. But today we’re not actually chattin’ […]

August 16, 2022

Ladies, Scratch the ‘Midlife Crisis.’ This is Midlife Growth!

Hello readers – I hope this blog finds you well! Today, I’d like to spend some time focused on midlife transitions, particularly in women ages 40 through 60.  That’s right…this one’s for you, ladies! First, A Few Questions: Are you finding yourself in a new phase of life and suddenly unhappy in your marriage or […]

August 2, 2022

Ready to Meet Us, In Person? Plus a 15% Back to School Discount

Have We Ever Even Met, In Person? Crazy to think that for many of the providers at Wellness & Co. they have never met some of their clients in person. Yes, we totally love the virtual world and our three favorite Canadian providers but we also like seeing and knowing our clients, face-to-face sans the […]

June 28, 2022

How To Find A Good Therapist

You’ve decided it’s time to start therapy, but looking for a therapist sounds like a daunting task. Perhaps you are worried that you won’t find the right therapist. Maybe you’ve found the right therapist, but they have a waitlist or do not accept your insurance. Whichever it is, this blog is covering how to find […]

June 7, 2022

We Need To Talk About ADHD In Girls

Part III: Advocacy, Cultivating Awareness, and Providing Our Girls a Path Forward By: Rebecca Horch, BACYC, CPC You have made it to the final part of our series on ADHD in women and girls! If you have followed along thus far you will already have been given some valuable tips and tools on how to begin […]

May 31, 2022

We Need To Talk About ADHD In Girls

Part II: The Empowerment of an ADHD Diagnosis By: Rebecca Horch, BACYC, CPC Welcome to part 2 of our 3 part series about ADHD. These posts are meant to inform and educate, and you may find that you connect with them, either on a personal level or because you have someone in your life who […]

May 24, 2022

We Need To Talk About ADHD In Girls 

Part I: An Undetected Journey By: Rebecca Horch, BACYC, CPC My Story – “Earth to Rebecca!” My 5th grade teacher used to yell this across the classroom when I would zone out during math lessons. I would snap out of whatever imaginative world I had entered and, embarrassed, pick up my pencil to doodle, at […]

April 26, 2022

How to Know if You Would Benefit from an Intuitive Needs Assistant

Hi! I’m so glad you’re here! Dropping in on our world at Wellness & Co. to find out what’s new. I am super glad, grateful, and humbled to be writing about our newest service today and all about my position here at Wellness & Co. – Intuitive Needs Assistant.  What is an Intuitive Needs Assistant? […]

April 12, 2022

How to Decide If You Should Fight For Your Marriage

Dear Reader,  This author has only one pressing question. How do you respond to the betrayed, broken, fixated, and furious spouse demanding to know: “should I stay or should I go?” If you recognize the introduction of this blog, or read it with the exact tone of Lady Whistledown, then you are out from under […]

November 23, 2020

3-Step Conflict Repair Process

by Amanda & Dylan, Relationship Coaches, Enneagram Teachers Conflict is one of the top reasons that couples walk through our virtual door. It makes sense, conflict is inevitable in relationship. AND conflict can be used as a catalyst for deeper connection. It’s Not About THAT Have you noticed that the fights in your relationship are […]