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June 4, 2024

Is Defensiveness Hurting Your Relationship?

By Amanda Clegg, Relationship Coach, CLC, MNLP READING TIME: 3 MINUTES Defensiveness is a common challenge in relationships, which acts as a barrier to open communication and genuine connection. It arises from a place of self-protection, but it can lead to misunderstandings, resentment, and a breakdown in intimacy. And, if I may be so *lovingly* […]

February 6, 2024

Sounding the Alarm šŸšØ on Toxic Family Systems

By Kendra A. O’Hora, Ph.D., LCMFT READING TIME: 4 minutes Gaslighting – The Word of the Year Did you know that gaslighting was the 2022 Merriam-Webster’s word of the year?  We are living in a time when words like gaslighting, abuse, toxicity, trauma, narcissism, etc. are thrown around a lot.  In some instances, these terms […]

October 30, 2023

Problems vs. Feelings

By Rebecca Horch, BACYC, CPC READING TIME: 4 MINUTES Is it a problem to be solved or a feeling that needs support? This is the question Iā€™ve learned to ask myself when it comes to my kids, my friendships, my relationship, and my clients. The answer isnā€™t always as clear as you think it should […]

September 19, 2023

How to Craft a Meaningful Apology

By Sarah Gyampoh, LMSW Weā€™ve all been there beforeā€¦something we said or did affected someone we care about. And we realize that it is our responsibility to apologize to them and make things right. Whether or not your intention was to hurt the other person, the fact they feel hurt is enough of a reason […]

June 13, 2023

The Art of Repair: How to Close the Conflict Loop and Start a New, Positive Cycle

One of the most common statements I hear in my consultations with couples is that ā€œWeā€™re stuck in a vicious cycle.ā€ Itā€™s an exhausting, frustrating, and defeating spot to be in for many reasons, but honestly what may be the hardest part is that couples feel like they have all the awareness for whatā€™s happening, yet nothing is changing. Here is what Amanda Clegg, Relationship Coach with Wellness & Co., recommends.

May 2, 2023

Date Night In For Parents: When Babysitters Just Aren’t An Option

By Rebecca Horch, BACYC, CPC Remember the days when weā€™d get paid a couple of dollars an hour to babysit the neighbor’s kids? I was 12 when I started babysitting, and was getting paid in change and snacks Iā€™d take from the cupboard after the kids fell asleep. These days, local babysitters have higher standards […]

April 18, 2023

How Do You Fight?

By Amanda Clegg, Relationship Coach Learning how we show up in disagreements is one of the most beneficial things we can do to curb defensiveness, show up compassionately, and *actually* repair so we can get over it on and on with it. Iā€™m all about awareness and accountability over here, so I thought it was […]

April 4, 2023

9 Signs You’re In A Healthy Relationship

By Amanda Clegg, Relationship Coach It can be scary for couples when their relationship isnā€™t where they want it to be, but it does NOT mean that they are doomed (I get that question, a lot!). It does mean (and I say this lovingly) that they have inner and relational work to do. Couples who […]

March 7, 2023

This Blog Is About Anxiety

By Erin Newton, LCPC, PMH-C Iā€™m coming to you now, oh internet, with less wisdom than I have ever blogged with before. Five days ago, after living for twenty plus years with them functional in my mouth, I had all my nightmares come true and all four of my wisdom teeth removed. And I decided […]

February 21, 2023

4 Tips For Having Difficult Conversations With Your Partner

By Amanda Clegg, Relationship Coach We can have so much resistance to talkinā€™ about the tough stuff in our relationships, but as Life Coach/Author/Podcaster Jay Shetty says, ā€œTwo humans coming together will naturally have disagreements, disappointments, discussions, and debates. If we live in a world of ā€˜oh, we never argueā€™ or ā€˜everything is all peacefulā€™, […]