Wellness & Co. Blog

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Metaphorical pen in hand with endless ideas flowing... our blog is where we bring our expertise right to your blue-light protected eyes. 



Hi, I'm Dr. K!

With nine providers our blog offers countless resources covering a ton of topics. We use blogging as an avenue to share our professional expertise and personal experiences. 

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September 10, 2024

Regaining Control: 7 Ways to Help Lessen Birth Trauma

by Erin Newton, LCPC READING TIME: 5 MINUTES When I was pregnant with my first child, I had a lot of feelings (as a lot of moms do). I was excited and nervous and a little scared. We read books and researched baby furniture and learned about how to put a carseat in our car. […]

January 5, 2021

the Top Five Signs Your Birth Experience Might Have Been Traumatic In The Time Of Covid

by Erin Newton, LCPC Hi there, mamas! How are you holding up? It’s been a really crazy year for everyone, but especially if you’ve given birth during almost any of 2020. If you have, you’re certainly not alone: an estimated 116 million women have given birth during this weird pandemic time. We know from previous […]

June 10, 2020

Four Ways We Believe Mamas Matter

by Dr. Kendra A. O’Hora, LCMFT Say it With Me Mamas matter. Mamas matter. Mamas matter. Babies matter. Dads matter. AND mamas matter. Now that we have that out of the way are ya’ll pumped about these maternal mental health packages we’re launching today?!  This idea has been brewing in my mind for yearsss and […]

May 26, 2020

The Most Important Way to Recognize Postpartum Psychosis

by Erin Newton, LCPC We’ve been exploring lots of important topics this month on the blog. Several weeks ago, I wrote a post about postpartum depression (PPD) and the ways it manifests and the shame it brings. In that post, I mentioned that part of my own PPD was having thoughts about harming my baby. […]

May 11, 2020

Postpartum Rage: The Overlooked Symptom of Postpartum Depression

by Erin Newton, LCPC My baby has been screaming for what feels like hours. She won’t nap unless I hold her. How the hell am I supposed to hold her nonstop and still care for my other children? I’m sweaty from having her pressed up against me for so long. My arms feel sore, heavy. My […]

May 6, 2020

Out of the Darkness: Five Facts About Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders

by Erin Newton, LCPC “I finally had a healthy beautiful baby girl and I couldn’t look at her. I couldn’t hold her and I couldn’t sing to her and I couldn’t smile at her … All I wanted to do was disappear and die. … If I had been diagnosed with any other disease, I […]