By Kaileen Arsenault, Intuitive Needs Assitant
Welcome! Your midsummer check in has arrived! Orrrrr if we use Intuitive Needs Assistant terminology, your midsummer *chime* has arrived.
What is a chime you might ask? A chime is what my clients call their weekly appointment, where I pop by, chime in, & provide that ever needed support.
So here I am ready to chime in on your summer spaces!
Summer can take us from routine to random pretty quickly, making the longest days of the year pass us by quickly, leaving YOU with a heap of forgotten plans inside of scattered homes.
Don’t panic, because I’m already here today, popping by, and now I’m about to chime in…
Your summer routine is still yours to claim, and you have weeks of data compiled to cultivate it.
The first thing I ask when working with a new client in their home is , “What has been working for you?” and especially, “What has not been working for you?”
So, grab a piece of paper and a pen and jot down what’s been working for you and your family this summer. What have you loved? What day was the most fun? When have you felt the most inspired? Then write down all the things that have definitely not been the vibe. All the things that kept your summer from being the bees knees. Use this list to help guide the rest of your summer routine.
Don’t stop decluttering just because it is summer.
Decluttering is my jam and we don’t turn jams down in the summer. Period. No seriously, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but school supplies have hit the shelves. Before you start buying all things new, now is a great time to do some mini-purging. As the extremely hot days or summer rain push you inside, start to clear some of your clutter. Empty the old backpacks, junk drawers, and closets and part with the goods. Also, you need to get eyes on the supplies you stashed away last year before you start buying and bringing more into the home. I promise, in September that you, your drawer space, and your wallet will say a big “Thank you!”
*Kid tip* – Have kiddos make their own donation piles by placing Post-its on the items they wish to keep (books, games, toys, etc.) and you come behind to collect the unmarked items.
Give yourself more summertime and book a FREE 15 minute consultation to see how my service can bring you more time and peace of mind.
Here’s where I provide the support. I want to give you more time (and more summertime). I can help you build a routine that will continue throughout the seasons. Or I can help for a season where things just seem to keep endlessly piling up. I can declutter a closet, or tackle a to do list. Whatever gaining more time looks like for you, I am here to come alongside and offer tangible support to help transform what’s been draining your spaces and bring them back to life.
Life is precious. Gift yourself more time so you can go out and enjoy everything this season has to offer!
Kaileen helps individuals bring organization into their home. A personal assistant with an intuitive touch. She helps reduce clutter and chaos and replaces it with lightness and possibilities. Working with highly productive individuals, working mama’s, and busy families, Kaileen shines when you let her intuition execute your visions.
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When summer comes, we reflect on the past year on how we have lived our lives. This affect everyone in the family and this yearly change can actually help the kids to shed their past selves in order to embrace their new ones. Then spring cleaning can be a good thing to start everyone on the road to self reflection and change.